Our Integrated System Policy

Date Updated: 22 October 2016, Views:8725

• Participant Satisfaction: Satisfaction of participants, official bodies and community is at the heart of all our activities. We complete and deliver our commitments at highest quality, within the target budget and timely.

• Continuous Improvement: We monitor our processes with performance measures and we try to improve our system even before conflicts hasn't took place. We eagerly follow up all technological innovations and capabilities and constantly improve our service.

• Conforming to Laws and Regulations: We perform all of our activities within the frame of T.C. laws and conforming to legal orders, regulations and specifications.

• Highly Qualified Workers: We work as a team which knowledgeable, informed, loving their work, taking responsibility in actions and being proud of it, qualified and released from personnel conflicts in all of our activities. Additionally, we contribute to improvement of our constructors, we train them and align and act with them in the guidance of same principles.

• Protecting Human Health: We sense to minimize the factors that adversely effect human health, security as integral part of our businesses and try to create awareness around people and community,

• Being Sound to Environment: We use natural sources at optimum level in order to achieve minimum environmental impact and keeping contamination as low as possible. We demonstrate proactive initiative to reduce adverse environmental effects and waste.

1) ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System
2) ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System
3) OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
4) IS0 50001:2011 Energy Management System